Marge Borchert was a member of the Blog’s honor roll. She recently died, only months after her retirement as principal of Allendale Elementary School in upstate New York. This is the post where I named her to the honor roll. I did so because of a letter she wrote to the children in her school. Also, because she got a zero growth score after many of her students opted out. She wore her rating as a badge of honor. She loved the children in her school. She was kind. She was a good principal.


This is the letter:


Dear Boys & Girls,


I wanted to write you a letter telling you how very much I enjoyed and continue to enjoy all of the painted rocks that you made. They are a great addition to our beautiful garden. I loved looking at each and every one of them this summer. I stopped to admire them when I checked on the flowers that were planted by your parents. Quite honestly, they brought a smile to my face even on rainy days. The rocks are as unique and colorful as each one of you. Each rock is painted with your own unique story.


The butterfly bush that is growing outside of my office window is blooming, and it is the most beautiful shade of purple that I have ever seen. A ruby throated hummingbird has been visiting that bush every day since it bloomed. I am looking forward to seeing a butterfly visit. The baby sparrows in the birdhouse have learned to fly, and have moved away. The crow that was tormenting the baby rabbits seems to have learned not to poke its beak in their home. Several of us watched in astonishment as the mother rabbit chased after that crow, jumped in the air and batted at that crow with its front paw. This was the first time that I have ever seen such a sport! That mother rabbit had strong protective instincts– just like your moms. We can learn so much by observing nature. Who knew that there was so much to !earn by just taking some time to stop, look, and listen.


So… now all of you are wondering why I was inspired to write you such a long letter. It is simply for this reason. I want each and every one of you to know that you inspire me on a daily basis. Each and every one of you is unique and colorful in your own special way. Each of you has a special talent, and you are loved. I intend to hold on to these thoughts when I look at the New York State scores, and I encourage your parents to do the same. The scores are not a true picture of who you are in this world. You can and will bloom when you are ready. You will fly when you are ready. It is entirely up to you to decide what you will grow up to be in life. It all depends on you. Remember the mother rabbit who used her own unique talents and skills to “fear that nasty crow nevermore. ”


In my heart — you truly rock!!! I can’t wait to see you in September!!


Love Always,


Mrs. Borchert


P.S. These are the books that I read this summer:

The Diary of Anne Frank

Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell

Recidicide by Kelly Gallagher

The Story Killers by Terrence 0. Moore

David & Goliath by Macolm Gledwell

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Children of the Core by Kris L. Nielsen

The Bible


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