At the Democratic National Convention, the Muslim parents of a soldier who died in the Iraq War spoke about their son’s heroism and said that they are “patriotic Muslim Americans.” Khizr Khan waved a copy of the Constitution and asked whether Donald Trump had ever read it. He asked what had Trump ever sacrificed for his country.

Trump responded with a series of derisive comments about the Khans, suggesting that Hillary Clinton had written Khan’s remarks and wondering why his wife Ghazala was silent (she was interviewed on MSNBC the next night by Lawrence O’Donnell).

Republicans were embarrassed, and Democrats were outraged by his comments.

Ghazala Khan responded in the Washington Post to Trump’s mockery about her silence. Her article is eloquent and poignant. She couldn’t speak because she has difficulty speaking about the son she lost. She can barely manage to look at his photograph. Too much sadness, too much pain. Any mother who ever lost a child, as I did many years ago, can empathize with Mrs. Khan. Some pain is too deep to talk about. Trump can’t understand that.

When Trump was asked by George Stephanopoulos what he had sacrificed for his country, he said that he has created thousands of jobs. That was his sacrifice.

“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve done― I’ve had― I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”

“Those are sacrifices?” Stephanopoulos interjected.

“Oh sure, I think they’re sacrifices,” Trump said, going on to tout his work to help build the Vietnam War memorial in Manhattan and raising money for veterans’ charities.