This is a wonderful story that was broadcast on NPR about an emergency situation in an airplane bound for Melbourne, Australia.


A young man with Down Syndrome was physically ill, lying in the middle of the aisle, and wouldn’t get up.


And he was really upset. He was feeling itchy. He was feeling scared, and no one could move him at that time.


The plane couldn’t land until he was in his seat and belted in.


The call went out from the cockpit, “Is there a teacher on the plane?”


Sophie Murphy, who teaches children with special needs, responded. She lay down on the floor next to the boy and talked to him. Eventually, she talked him into getting up and returning to his seat. Everyone was very quiet and listened closely as she used her skills to calm the boy. When he started vomiting, they rushed to offer sick bags, tissues, and wipes. A doctor sitting close by took notes.


Nothing fazed Sophie. She handled the situation with professionalism and kindness.


She said afterwards:


This was what teachers do. This is what they do in their classrooms every day. They problem solve, and they connect with children on a daily basis. And any one of my colleagues and friends who are teachers would have done exactly the same.