I blogged this article before. Having just finished Bob Herbert’s brilliant new book Losing Our Way, I decided to post it again. This is to remind you that thoughtful people outside the field of education see clearly what is happening. Understand that some very rich and uninformed people are trying to grab control of our public schools and that they use the false narrative of “failure” to justify their intervention into the world of schooling, about which they know less than nothing. Less than nothing would be a good description of the knowledge base of Bill Gates, Eli Broad, the Walton family, John Arnold, and David Welch (Vergara man). Less than nothing is when people are misinformed, have wrong-headed ideas, and do damage to children and teachers but call it “reform.”


I will write a full review of Bob Herbert’s book. Let me just say as a brief summary that it is the best book on the current state of America that I have read in many years. It is sobering, thoughtful, and gripping.