Alex Pareene does a demolition job on almost the entire staff of the New York Times’ opinion page.

That page is the most valuable space in American journalism today, yet several of the regulars seem to have grown stale and lazy, recycling opinions based on little more than gossip they heard at the latest high-powered cocktail party or something that Bill Gates–who knows everything–may have said in the last few weeks or months.

Pareene singles out David Brooks, Maureen Dowd, and Thomas Friedman for his special scorn.

I must say I appreciate Paul Krugman, a Nobel-prize winning economist who pays close attention to the growing inequality in our nation.

And Charles Blow often has original contributions.

But Pareene’s beef is that the columnists he singles out have grown stale and boring.

Opinion columnists are expected to have an opinion on everything, even topics about which they are woefully uninformed.

Since they write so often, they don’t have time to do research and they are too self-confident to check with other knowledgeable sources, so they just echo conventional wisdom.

Not a one of the columnists singled out by Pareene has even the slightest understanding of American education or the issues that are now creating upheaval and chaos in our nation’s schools.

Maybe they just don’t care.

It is not as if education is an unimportant issue. It’s just that to the Times’ opinion writers, it doesn’t matter, even though it will have a huge impact on our future.

No one can know everything about everything. The Times should eliminate tenure for their opinion writers and recycle them, perhaps with Write for America temps.

At least, they would have some fresh ideas and opinions. And in a few months, or a year, they would be gone.