This will be a wonderful event. You will love hearing
Anthony Cody and other leading advocates for Real Reform.

WHAT: “School Reform(?)”
A Talk By Anthony Cody on the multiple and often
contradictory messages and meanings of school reform.

WHEN: Thursday, October 24th 7:30PM

WHERE: Connecticut College, Ernst Common Room,
Blaustein Humanities Center,
270 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06371

SPONSOR: Connecticut College Education Department
and the Consortium for Excellence in Teacher Education

The Education Department at Connecticut College is hosting the annual meeting of the Consortium for Excellence in Teacher Education, a northeast regional consortia of 22 liberal arts colleges with teacher education programs. The meeting, on THURSDAY OCTOBER 24, at 7:30pm will be keynoted by Anthony Cody who writes for Education Week. Anthony will speak on the national impact of the current definition of “reform.” There is an amazing panel who will respond to Anthony’s remarks including Helen Gym, co-editor of ReThinking Schools and founder of Parents United, a Philadelphia based parents advocacy group, Robert Cotto, policy analyst for Children’s Voices, and a member of the Hartford CT board of education, and Thomas Scarice, superintendent of Madison Public Schools, who was featured earlier in the year by public education advocate Diane Ravitch. Cody’s talk and the panel’s response will be in Ernst Common Room on the campus of Connecticut College and is open to the public.

The map of the campus can be found at