Since I am not allied with the corporate reformers, I don’t put much credence in test scores. But the reformers love Big Data and seem to believe that everyone and everything can be measured. They use phrases like “you measure what you treasure” and “you can control only what can be measured.”

I happen to think such thoughts are anti-humanistic and technocratic to an extreme, but then I am not in the mainstream of reform ideology. The sooner we forget Big Data, in my view, the sooner we will understand the human beings we confront.

Jared Polis, who thinks I am “an evil woman,” loves Race to the Top and Colorado’s SB 191, which makes test scores count for 50% of a teacher’s evaluation. He believes in Big Data.

He may need my help.

Gary Rubinstein reviewed Polis’ charter schools and found that they experienced very low growth. In reformer talk, they are bad schools. In other words, Polis might want to read my book and find a different vocabulary, a new way of thinking about what it means to create a good school. If he sticks with the corporate reformer mentality, he is a failure. Bad idea.