This teacher noticed with chagrin that David Letterman invited ten Teach for America teachers to deliver his top ten reasons for Teacher Appreciation week. Somewhat in Letterman’s defense, I have to say that the top ten reasons, which were mostly sardonic and cynical, did not reflect much credit on teachers or on the kids who delivered the lines.

I conclude that David Letterman saw no reason to express appreciation for teachers.

Our elites have gone bonkers. How else can you explain their fascination with young college graduates who agree to teach for only two years as the very best way to improve education? Their “sacrifice” is only temporary; soon they will be in graduate school or law school or working for Goldman Sachs, leaving behind their measly teacher pay.

How would our elites (talking to you, Charlie Rose, and to you, editorial boards and corporate chieftains) feel about handing foreign policy over to the recruits in the Peace Corps instead of the seasoned diplomats in the Foreign Service? The kids are alright, but why are they celebrated instead of celebrating the three million plus women and men who make a career of teaching?