Imagine this: An elected official who fought the parent trigger in Florida and worked with parents and civil rights groups to beat it.

Governor Rick Scott has been an enemy of public education throughout his term. His poll numbers are now in the 30s.

We need more public officials like Nan Rich in every state!


Nan Rich for Governor

Dear Xxxxxxxxx,

As the leader of the Senate Democrats last year, I considered the defeat of the Parent Trigger Bill one of the most important bi-partisan efforts in my legislative career.

Forging a coalition of 8 moderate Republicans to join our 12-member Democratic Caucus to kill a bad bill on the last day of the 2012 Legislative Session was an accomplishment few thought possible – but we did it.

And now it’s déjà vu all over again!

Today, a unified Democratic Caucus of 14 Senators was joined by 6 equally-concerned Republicans to defeat the latest version of the bill we stopped last year. It’s truly heartening to see that a legacy of bi-partisan leadership lives on in the Florida Senate.

The so-called “Parent Empowerment Act” (also known as the “Parent Trigger Bill”) had little to do with empowering parents and everything to do with letting for-profit management companies take over public schools.

In fact, all Florida parent groups, as well as the NAACP and LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) representing more than 1 million Floridians, raised their voices in unison against this terrible legislation.

Fortunately, their voices were heard – again!

Click here to support Nan’s Campaign

We all want the best for our children, and are constantly searching for new ways to improve their education, but this legislation was not one of them. Relinquishing control of our public education system to for-profit management companies essentially would have put a price tag on every one of our public school students.

But today, the Florida Senate again sent a clear message — our students, our teachers, and our schools are not for sale!

Nan Rich
