Marc Tucker and others scoffed when I said that the Common Core standards should have been field tested in a few districts and states before they were imposed on the 46 states.

No one knows whether they will improve achievement. No one knows if they will widen or narrow the gaps between different groups. No one knows if the awkward mapping makes sense. No one knows if he standards are developmentally appropriate for the various grades. No one knows whether the standards are realistic or whether they were designed for students bound for IvyLeague colleges.

I think it would be useful to know answers to these questions in advance, before the nation spends billions of dollars on new materials, new tests, new professional development, and new technology for the online assessments.

I have a deep concern that the standards are meant to be so “hard” that many children will fail, and the privatization movement will gain new fodder for its campaign to smear American schools.

This reader understands my concern about the failure to field test the new federal standards before they were imposed:

“As a teacher who came to education from the software industry, there was one phrase that struck a nerve with me: “the Common Core standards effort is fundamentally flawed by the process with which they have been foisted upon the nation.” If there is one thing we can learn from business, it is that rolling out a new product in great numbers without field testing it thoroughly is a fool’s game at best and organizational suicide at worst. Companies who gamble this way often find themselves in bankruptcy.”