Jersey Jazzman points out what has become apparent: Teach for America is not really about teaching. It is about training the leaders who will take power in the education system.

Some work for Senators and members of Congress. Some are embedded in state and city school systems at the highest levels. Some have ascended to six-figure positions in education before the tender age of 30, doubling what classroom teachers make.

Almost every day brings another announcement of a TFA appointment to a high-level position. In Louisiana, the TFA director of charter schools in New Orleans was elected to the State Board, where she votes on contracts for–guess what–TFA.

In Dallas, a TFA alum is in charge of human resources. In Louisiana, a TFA alum of 27 was put in charge of teacher evaluation. In New York, the Governor selected a TFA alum as Deputy Secretary of Education. In Indiana, the state superintendent’s offices hosts 11 graduates of TFA. In Colorado, a TFA alum was elected to the state senate, where he wrote “reform” legislation that bases 50% of teachers’ evaluation on test scores. Two TFA alums are state commissioners of education, serving the nation’s most reactionary governors.

Another TFA alum is running for state board of education in Nevada. A reader wrote to comment:

The reason I am writing is in regards to the District 3 State Board of Education race in Nevada. We are left with absolutely no choice.  On one hand is Ed Klapproth who describes himself as “a Jeffersonian constitutionalist,a Calvin Coolidge-Goldwater-Ronald Reagan Republican. I believe that local government in conjunction with the local community is best in dealing with local problems like those we face in education.”  If elected he will “Promote school choice,school vouchers,private schools, home schooling and more charter schools.Let teachers teach (no more teaching for tests). Merit and bonus pay for outstanding teachers.”  The only positive thing he says is to let teachers teach.   The rest of his thoughts are scary.
On the other hand is Allison Serafin.  She is not much older than me, but a Teach for America alum who is now the special consultant for the Superintendent.  A Superintendent who in a mere two years has destroyed the morale of the teachers and the long standing good relationship that used to exist between the Union and the District. According to her website “During her time with Teach For America, she taught 6th and 7th grade English and Social Studies, where nearly 100% of her students achieved passing scores on state assessments. However, much like the way her passion for serving others expanded, so did her role as an educator. Over her 10-year career, she taught students, recruited teachers, coached teachers, led national video and social media campaigns, and served as a school director.”  If she was such a successful teacher why did she leave the classroom?  If she taught in Nevada she has let her license expire, because I can’t even locate it on the Nevada Department of Education license directory.  How can she feel that with 10 years or less of teaching experience with no teaching degree that she could possibly understand the needs of teachers?