I read an editorial in the Wall Street Journal this morning about Bridgeport, Connecticut, where the Connecticut Supreme Court has ordered a special election for the city’s school board.

Read this editorial. What is amazing about it is the palpable fear of an election. The Wall Street Journal says that an election is a “blow” to school reform. It portrays the aspirants for the elected board in a poor light.

The district now has an appointed board (the court said the appointment of the board was illegal). This illegal board hired Paul Vallas. The editorial says that Vallas achieved fame for leading Chicago, Philadelphia, and New Orleans and is now creating a national model for reform in Bridgeport. If what he is doing in Bridgeport is indeed exemplary, why would an elected board stop it from happening?

Why the terror of democracy?

The appointed board has already extended Vallas’ contract for the next year, tying the hands of the elected board. So for a year, the WSJ need not fear.