I received a notice of a major conference of equity investors in the for-profit education industry.

It will be held on July 26 at a private club in New York City.

Tickets are $1,195 for the day.

The invitation to purchase a ticket came from the respected K-12 journal Education Week, which is a “media partner” for the event.

I think I am entitled to a discount because I am a subscriber.

I don’t want to go.

I don’t want to see the for-profit corporations taking over more schools.

I don’t like what is happening.

I wish the U.S. Department of Education and President Obama would speak out against the creeping–no, galloping–privatization of education.

The for-profit online “colleges” and “universities” recruit students in volume, collect the federal aid that comes with them, have high dropout rates, and low graduation rates.

Why are our top education leaders sitting back and letting this happen without a squawk.

I think we should all squawk.

This is crazy.
