Lots of buzz on the Internet about the new ad that allegedly is trying to rebuild the image of Common Core. The reaction is overwhelmingly negative, not just on this particular website but in a flurry of emails that I have received for the past few days.


Here is Peter Greene’s take on this truly bad piece of propaganda.


The ad shows a grandfather who brings his grandson to school and asks about Common Core. Grandpa is portrayed as a blustering buffoon. He makes some derogatory comments about Bill Gates. He boasts about his military service. The teacher and the boy look at him in a condescending way. Some people think the ad was really made by people who oppose Common Core. See what you think.


Because of the overwhelmingly ridicule heaped on the ad, it was taken down. However, in this age of technology, someone copied it and posted it on YouTube.  There it is if you want to have a good laugh and see a stupid old grandfather making dumb remarks about Bill Gates and Common Core, while his grandson is embarrassed by him and the teacher looks at him pityingly.