Ken Previti writes here about the illusion of democracy, the seeming choice between two candidates who are Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum. He cites the Governor’s races in Illinois and Florida, where the differences between the candidates are not large, and both owe their fealty to the same monied interests. He might well have included New York, where the incumbent Governor has lined such an imposing campaign chest that it is hard for a challenger to be heard.

Let’s face it. The U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision unleashed a tsunami of campaign cash, and cash fuels campaigns. During one recent Presidential election, some commentator said that a major party candidate needed to raise $1 billion to be competitive. Well, who has that kind of money. The very wealthy. This unbridled campaign spending distorts our politics.

This could change, as it has in the past. We would need a Supreme Court that is concerned about preserving our democracy and not allowing the 1% to own the political system.

If enough people were aware and involved, we could take back our country. Let us all pledge to support candidates early who support the kind of society we want to live in.