Paul Thomas notes the success of the Walton-funded “reform” machine at the University of Arkansas. They pump out study after study proclaiming the superior results of school choice. Are you surprised? This is the idee fixe of the Walton Foundation. They want government out of our lives. It worked for them. With low taxes, little regulation, they pay low wages and outsource manufacturing to China, where wages are even lower than in Arkansas. And now they are all billionaires.

They want to bring their philosophy of deregulation, ruthless competition, and small government to education, perhaps to prepare the workforce of the future, and they use their tax-free dollars to promote vouchers and charters. So what if they create segregation or make it worse? So what if teacher attrition is high? The Waltons will always have a stable of researchers to promote the sham success of their model.

The current campaign is on to argue that charter schools are more successful than public schools, even though it is not true.

Having a higher “return on investment” (ROI), they deserve more public funding and less public scrutiny.

They count on us to forget that the original promise of charter schools was that they would do a better job academically at a lower cost (because they would get rid of the central bureaucracy). Now we see that they don’t do a better job academically, and they want more money because their administrative costs are as high as the public schools they replace. And they expect us to ignore the charter school scandals of nepotism, embezzlement, conflicts of interest, and other crimes that seem to increase as public scrutiny decreases.

Will we fall for it?