The one thing we know for sure about the Walton Family Foundation is that it loves school privatization, I.e., charters and voucher. The other thing we know for sure is that WFF does not like public schools.

So, no surprise that the Walton Family Foundation funded a study claiming that charter schools are underfunded.

This is actually very funny, because when the idea of charters was first float in the late 1980s and early 1990s, we were assured that charters would save money because they would cost less. After all, they do not have bureaucracy, and they can buy their supplies at the lowest price, and they would be lean and efficient.

Except now they complain that they don’t get as much money as public schools!

Gee whiz, the friends of Eva Moskowitz held a dinner party a few days ago and raised over $7 million in one night for her charters.

It is hard to feel sorry for this island of privatization, to which Walton contributes about $160 million yearly, and which has the support of Arne Duncan, the NewSchools Venture Fund, the hedge fund managers, the Broad Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Arnold Foundation, the Dell Foundation, etc. as well as the legislatures of many states.

Cry me a river.