Audrey Amrein-Beardsley has been consulting with the seven Houston teachers who filed a lawsuit in federal court against the use of value-added metrics in their evaluations.


She has conducted extensive VAM research in Houston and concluded it was arbitrary and inaccurate. “Houston, the 7th largest urban district in the country, is widely recognized for its (inappropriate) using of the EVAAS for more consequential decision-making purposes (e.g., teacher merit pay and in the case of this article, teacher termination) more than anywhere else in the nation.”


She believes that this is the lawsuit that has the potential to bring down VAM as a valid way of measuring teacher quality.


Read here to learn why.


If VAM goes down, as it should, it would be yet one more piece of evidence that Race to the Top is a $5 billion flop, as if any more evidence were needed.


Of course, even a court victory against inappropriate teacher evaluation would not deter our Secretary of Education from claiming victory. If he were on the basketball court, he would claim victory if his team were beaten 152-18; we would never hear the end of those heroic, astonishing, incredible 18 points.