A good article
by Ralph Nader
today describing what has happened to
working people in recent years. He writes: “Labor Day is the ideal
time to highlight the hard-fought, historic victories already
enjoyed by American workers, and push for long-overdue health and
safety measures and increased economic benefits for those left
behind by casino capitalism. After all, it was the labor movement
in the early 20th century that brought us such advances as the
minimum wage, overtime pay, the five-day work week, the banning of
child labor and more. “The reality is that big corporations have
abandoned American workers by taking jobs and industries to
communist and fascist regimes abroad — regimes that oppress their
workers and enforce serf-level salaries and hideous working
conditions. America’s working men and women have also largely been
abandoned by the corporate dominated Republican and Democrat
two-party duopoly, whatever their rhetorical differences may be.
The federal minimum wage has been allowed to languish far behind
inflation as corporate bosses’ pay skyrockets. The gap between
worker salaries and CEO pay widens, even as worker productivity
rises. Corporate CEO’s in America make approximately 340 times more
than that of the average worker. In 1980, by comparison, CEO pay
was 42 times greater.” Meanwhile, in education, unions are being
crushed, and there is no one to advocate for them when the Governor
and Legislature cut the budget for education. Teachers get pink
slips, kids get larger classes and lose the arts, library, and much
else that used to be taken for granted as basic in American