Over the past several months, I have honored several superintendents who have stood up for their students, their staff, and their community schools.

I have identified hero superintendents in Michigan, New York, Oklahoma, Illinois, and elsewhere. We need to find them and thank them.

These are men and women who have upheld their ethical responsibility to their profession and to children.

They have spoken out boldly and fearlessly against the misuse of standardized tests to judge teacher quality and to label schools as “failing.” They have spoken in support of professional standards for teachers and for teacher and principal evaluation. They have withstood the bullying of uninformed politicians and arrogant policymakers. They have refused to bow to misguided conventional wisdom. They have been a source of wisdom and inspiration for their staff and their community.

When the superintendent is a hero, he or she enables the staff to act with dignity and professionalism.

Do you have a hero superintendent in your community?

If so, send me public statements they have made so I may highlight their courage and integrity.