In response to a
post about a teacher’s last day of teaching first grade,

this retired teacher wrote the following: I read this
while sitting on the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard and soon was
sobbing uncontrollably. My husband returned from the deck, saw me
reading on my phone and asked if someone died. It’s been one year
since I retired after 34 years of teaching. Last Day’s letter
rekindled all the powerful mixed emotions I felt on my last day-
tremendous relief that I could leave just before the CC and its
testing arrived in full force, and heartache at leaving my middle
schoolers and the magic that happened in the classroom. And there
is grieving and loss. So, yes, I told my husband- something is
dying. Teachers and students connected in the joy and intensity of
learning together will be a dying art if the scripted, robotic
factories take over. Like First Day, I’m now retired but still a
teacher. My new job is to fight against the