Here is the link to the story about the Obama plan to cut costs and measure everything for value-added in higher education.

I forgot to add it because I was waiting in the doctor’s office for a check up and they called me in just when I was supposed to post the link.

Here is my dirty little secret.

I blog everywhere. It drives my friends and family crazy. I blog in taxis. I blog in elevators. I blog in the car and on the bus. I blog in airports. I blog early and I blog late. I blog whenever I have a free minute because you guys–you readers–send me so many great, horrible, wonderful, insightful, moving, important stories about what is happening in your state or district or school.

So forgive my occasional oversight. If you don’t see a link, let me know and I will fix it.

No excuses. I need your help. And I always get it.