Michael Gilbert, a school psychologist at Meachem Elementary School in Syracuse, New York, offers words of wisdom to his fellow citizens.

Please read and share them.

He writes:

….Much of what is happening in public education “reform” is not about what is in the best interest of students and schools. It is about politics, power, special interests and money.

All children in public schools are riding in the back of this proverbial bus in some way or another. Parents have a right to be outraged, but I doubt that most of them fully understand the current state of affairs. When it comes to public education, we can no longer assume that our children’s best interests are being served. This will continue to be the case so long as state and federal mandates are issued by individuals lacking basic knowledge of child development and education.

Lately there have been a lot of attacks directed against teachers for the failure of our schools as measured by standardized test scores, and against parents for behavioral issues in their children. While teachers and parents certainly own some of the accountability, these issues are much more complicated than they seem. Due to recent education reform policies, the passion and creativity for teaching is being destroyed, and I fear the best and brightest teachers are either leaving the field or will never enter it in the first place.

There is an over-fixation on testing, the results of which are being used — unfairly, according to researchers at the Economic Policy Institute and National Research Council — to evaluate teachers. While class size continues to increase, there has been a decrease in time allotted for movement (recess, physical education) and for the arts and humanities….

Data clearly show that children in low-achieving districts experience a great deal of stress related to factors such as trauma, poverty and violence. Studies have repeatedly demonstrated how stress interferes with the skills required for school success — for example, with the ability to attend to and concentrate on instruction; with flexibility and perseverance in problem-solving; and with the maintenance of self-control.

Instead of addressing this in a meaningful way, we simply assume that students will be able to leave their struggles at the entrance to the school. To make matters worse, we have increased the level of stress on these children by implementing policies that are getting us nowhere and are leaving a large number of students behind.

Parents and concerned citizens need to lead the charge in taking back the schools which ultimately belong to them.

There are no quick fixes for meaningful education reform and it will require a great deal of hard work and commitment. However, the “reorganization” of “failing” schools is another process void of logic. Why do we wait for schools to consistently not make yearly adequate progress before we decide to do something new and creative? Should all schools not be given this opportunity? Or is this school transformation process really just an illusion of change?

Schools are not a “business” and students are not products to be measured through high-stakes testing. There needs to be a fundamental shift in the underlying framework of public education. Here are a few things that we could perhaps start with.

Teachers need to be truly valued in our communities. Let’s not minimize the dedication and heart teachers put into their profession or the role they play in the development of the whole child.

Teachers also need to be given the opportunity to teach a meaningful and enriched curriculum. There needs to be a return to unstructured play opportunities in kindergarten to cultivate necessary social-emotional skills.

Learning is about quality of instruction, not quantity. It is dependent on teachers and students developing meaningful relationships, not the administration of what State Education has termed “instructional dosages.” Students need to learn how to think, not what to think.

We need to put resources back into classrooms and school buildings, even if that means eliminating staff from central offices. There needs to be a reduction in unnecessary meetings and an elimination of ineffective programs. Otherwise, a great deal of valuable time will continue to be wasted throughout each school year.

Building administrators need to spend more time in their buildings working as instructional leaders to teachers and supports to children. Currently, they have much less time for what really matters, due to all that is required with state-mandated testing and teacher evaluation protocols.

Leaders in education need to inspire and unite – not dictate, demoralize, and divide. It is not about image, photos ops, rhetoric and catch phrases. It is about leading by example, with actions, not just words. With the current mantra of no bullying, why is it OK for our leaders to engage in exactly that type of behavior?

“College and career ready” makes a great sound bite, but in reality the concerns are much more complex and urgent. Can we agree to first make a commitment to equip children with skills for life, such as being responsible, persistent, cooperative, empathic and resourceful? Our children must be, above all else, effective communicators able to manage strong emotions. Once we are successful with that goal, then “college and career ready” will take care of itself.

Districts need a strong and well-informed school board — one that serves the students and families in their community. Many school boards across the state have passed clear resolutions against high-stakes testing and teacher evaluation systems. Unfortunately, a local school board recently passed a resolution that was, while well-intended, weak and off target. They should not only be more aggressively defending the teachers they employ, but also the children that their district serves.

A school board works for the public that elects them. The superintendent works for the board that hires them. Some districts seem to have this hierarchy upside down. Of course, the accountability doesn’t stop here. The commissioner of education, state Education Department, state Legislature, and governor all need to answer to parents specifically and taxpayers in general.

Ultimately, control of public schools should be returned to the local level. But until then we all need to be defending what is right and in the best interest of our children. Parents and concerned citizens need to lead the charge in taking back the schools which ultimately belong to them. A grassroots education revolution may be our only hope.

 The article is right on. It would not surprise you that some of the letters that followed attack the writer, question why there is a school psychologist, and raise other attack-dog questions.
Thanks for stating simple truths clearly and succinctly, Michael Gilbert!