About once a week, I receive emails from an organization I do not know. It contains beautiful graphics claiming to rate different aspects of education. Usually I delete without opening, but this one caught my eye because it said it was rating the states.

The email says:

“Hi Diane,

“Ever wonder how your state working to create a better education system? Please take a look at this infographic based on data from the State of Education: State Policy Report Card 2013. Feel free to share and discuss the infographic on Diane Ravitch’s Blog as you like.

“Like all of our educational materials, we’ve published this under a free-to-use Creative Commons license. All sources are cited in the footer but if you have any questions, or are open to a guest post on the topic, do not hesitate to get in touch.


Muhammad Saleem
(312) – 576 – 1575”


I did open it and found that it rated Louisiana and Florida as the top states in the nation for education policy. Ha! The state where Bobby Jindal and John White are handing out public money to Bible schools and for-profit vendors. And the state touted by Jeb Bush where the graduation rate is lower than that of Alabama.

I quickly looked to the source and realized that it was Rhee’s StudentsFirst, which ranked states based on criteria she likes, such as readiness to privatize and to eliminate all rights for teachers.

So, yes, I decided it was time to cite this info graphic on my blog and warn readers not to trust any of its slick packaging.