A teacher in New Orleans writes:

Oprah’s documentary series about John McDonogh High School in New Orleans was moved to tonight @ 8p Central Time, in order to follow Beyonce’s show.

Please comment on Oprah’s page, if you find that her show does not accurately tell the whole story, and if your perspective on the history of the school is different. I personally find the preview to be highly stereotypical about New Orleans, it’s mostly black unionized teachers (pre-charter), black students, the need for white savior charter operators and TFA teachers. In my 3+ years as a teacher at this school and English Department Chair, I never saw a fight, nor did any students ever put their hands on me. However, I did see the state run Recovery School District (RSD) set the school up to fail by giving the school administrator after administrator, not accurately staffing the school, having classes over the state maximum (my max was 54), leaving the building in decrepit condition, under resourcing the school (no science labs) removing honors & advanced placement classes and replacing them with extra remediation classes, etc. But we’ll see how the show is tonight…


Oprah should watch the “John McDonogh Legacy Lost” series, created by students, and interview community members about their historical struggle for the school.

Some have expressed an interest in creating a facebook page titled: “The Truth About John McDonogh.” Anyone interested?

Elizabeth Jeffers, M.Ed.