Jersey Jazzman heard Condoleeza Rice declare that “education is the civil rights issue of our time” and he wondered, why not say “civil rights is the civil rights issue of our time”?

He is especially disturbed by the idea that so many reformers are promoting a kind of schooling for poor children that they would find intolerable for their own. The people who fund corporate reform don’t want no-excuses schools for their children.

He asks an important question:

Why are the corporate reformers creating schools for poor and/or minority children that engage in practices that affluent parents would never accept for their own kids?

He argues:

 It is fundamentally anti-American to espouse one type of education for poor urban children and another type for affluent suburban children. If we really, truly cared about these most-neglected and most-deserving kids, we’d be working to make their lives as much like those of their suburban peers as possible – both in and out of the classroom.