Jack Burgess, retired teacher, military veteran, added his own poem in the comments section. Thank you, Jack!

How War Ends

by Jack Burgess, Sp3, US Army, 894th Tank Battalion 

…and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. 


This is how war ends:

The guns stop everywhere.

Fifty-ton tanks roll to a stop,

war ships dock,

fighters and bombers come down from the sky,

and two moments of silence follow.

The war dead honored by the first,

the 2nd silence is for reflection,

for hearing frogs, and your own breath.

This is followed by a single voice,

then a murmur. Screwdrivers and crow bars

come out, and the green tanks are

dismantled, gas siphoned for school buses.

Troop ships sail home from a hundred shores,

so that husbands and wives can kiss unvirtually,

and children see the strong eyes of their fathers,

feel their love and their arms about them.

Uniforms become keepsakes and relics.

All flags are fine and flying.

Those in congresses clear their throats

apologetically and say, “What shall we do with

the leftover money?”  Children with swollen bellies,

working as lobbyists, shout, “Food!” Others say,

“Let’s build a thousand new schools and parks.” 

Lots of people hug and dance

and make love.  Some cry.

The news is good at 6:00 o’clock.

More at 11:00.