Four outstanding people have joined the board of the Network for Public Education.

We are thrilled to welcome them and their energy and dedication to public schools.

Lavelle Jones, a lawyer and president of the New Jersey chapter of the AARP, has been a volunteer conference coordinator for NPE since 2014.

Denisha Jones, who recently earned her law degree, is director of Teacher Education at Trinity Washington University in D.C. She is active in the BATs and an expert on early childhood education.

James Harvey is director of the National Superintendents Roundtable, with a long history and involvement in federal education policy.

Roxana Marachi is a professor at San Jose State University in California and education chair of the San Jose/Silicon Valley NAACP.

Please open the link to learn more about these wonderful new board members!

The Network for Public Education now counts 350,000 followers, residing in every state.

Marla Kilfoyle, former national executive director of the BATS, is joining the staff of NPE, bringing her brilliant organizational skills. Darcie Cimarusti–a school board member in New Jersey–is currently on staff, where she is in charge of research and communications.

And of course our executive director is Carol Burris, former high school principal, outstanding researcher and writer.

We do not have a physical address. We don’t waste money on rent, desks, chairs, etc. We have a Post Office Box. We are the very model of a modern organization, operating for the public good, with minimal expenses and high output.

If you want to support our important work, please visit our website or send a check to POB 227, New York, New York 10156.

We will stop the privatization of public schools! We will build resistance to high-stakes standardized testing! We will fight for better funding for our public schools. We will stand up for the needs of our students, teachers, and public schools.

We grow from strength to strength. We will have a fabulous 2019!