I am pleased to add one of the blog’s faithful readers to the honor roll of this blog.

Her name is May King. You may know her as m4potw.

She is a hero for several reasons.

First of all, she can be counted on to comment thoughtfully and reasonably in every contentious discussion.

Hers is the voice of conciliation and wisdom.

When a reader expressed disappointment that he could not afford to attend the annual conference of the Network for Public Education, May King sent a check to NPE to cover his expenses.

I realized by reading her comments that she was not born in the USA, like most of us; at one point, she mentioned that she was from Vietnam. I asked her on the blog some months ago about her voyage to the West.

She replied:

Dearest Dr. Ravitch:

I failed many attempts to leave VN from 1975, then escaped many jail terms in 1976 and 1977, until my first shipwreck in China Sea in 1978 and second shipwreck in water area between Thailand and Malaysia in 1979.

Finally, I arrived in Canada in 1980. It took me 5 years to work all odd jobs to pay rent, bus, food and tuition fee in order to graduate from College. After working 3 lowest paying jobs non-stop, I had a lucky break from college degree to work two jobs with better earning wages. This opportunity has helped to save enough within 10 years for my university degree from 1990 to 2010 due to having my only child at the age of 40 and two major illnesses: severe kidney infection and a mild stroke.

I am glad to go through all challenges with success so that I am able to sustain my hope in humanity and my belief in the universal law of karma.

You and all of your supporters are the main reason that has given me the hope and belief in the American Freedom Spirit in order to have a courage to escape Communists.

I do not expect all immigrants can be as strong will as I am in treasuring democratic freedom and spirit. However, I am truly disappointing in the majority of today immigrants who follow and support the dark money for an easy way to earn their living without shame, without appreciation of American people’s kindness and without concern of their offspring’s future to live like “a cog in machine” society that they inadvertently help to build today.

Very respectfully yours,

May King

I am in awe of her courage, her generosity of spirit, her kindness, and her wisdom.

I humbly add her to the honor roll and thank her for her daily contributions to our discussions.
