It seems like only yesterday that Mayor Villaraigosa was trying to take control of the Los Angeles public schools. Now there is a new mayor, and he clearly had little influence over the choice of a new school board president. The vote for Dr. Richard Vladovic was a decisive 5-2.

Monica Ratliff was sworn in by her mother, in both Spanish and English.

Ratliff was elected despite being vastly outspent by the usual corporate reform crowd, who were beaten twice this spring, first by Steve Zimmer, then by Monica Ratliff.

Ratliff immediately stepped into her role, requesting that the candidates for board president describe their priorities.

Zimmer spoke at length about corporate greed. He said, “We should never be data driven…We should be data informed… We should avoid the seduction of easy answers.”

It is a new majority in Los Angeles. This should get interesting.