A reader comments on the fact that StudentsFirst–the Michelle Rhee organization that is raising $1 billion to attack teachers and public schools– is promoting the parent trigger film:

I find it more than slightly ironic that Michelle Rhee, a woman who has openly joked about putting tape over the mouths of young children to keep them quiet, has been chosen to promote “Won’t Back Down.” Apparently, one of the fictionalized events in the film that triggers the parents to revolt against the school is a nasty unionized teacher who locks students in closets. Surely, any parent who heard about this abuse would want to rise up and take action. But any parent who heard about a teacher taping their child’s mouth shut would also rise up and take action. It wasn’t a corrupt union that kept Michelle Rhee in the classroom, it was TFA. Maybe teachers in the Charlotte area can show up to the DNC screening of “Won’t Back Down” with tape over their mouths and signs that say “Won’t Shut Up.” Just a suggestion…