Charles Foster Johnson, leader of Pastors for Texas Children, reflects on the meaning of citizenship:


America is not a geography. Or nationality. Or ethnicity. 
America is an idea. A truth. 
That idea, that truth, is this: “That all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Jefferson was right, that idea is “self-evident.”
So, let your life be the evidence. 
Do these things:
Vote. Register to vote, vote in every election, and get everyone in your family, at your work, and on your street to do the same. When you don’t, bad people win.
Read. Be informed. Take the daily newspaper and read it. All of it. Turn off all cable television news. It is all fake. It is designed to entertain you—not inform you. Do it today. When you don’t, bad people win.
Serve. Start with your neighborhood public school. It’s right down the street. Make an appointment with the principal and ask how you can help. Defend your neighborhood public school against its privatization. When you don’t, bad people win.
Worship. With your neighbors. With folks who know you, love you. Turn off all television and celebrity preachers. Do not listen to any preacher who does not know your name, your face, who will not hold your hand in prayer when you need it— and call you to do the same. When you don’t, bad people win.
This land is your land. This land is my land. This land was made for you and me. 
Let’s put the idea of America into action.
The truth of America is “self-evident.”
The evidence is you.