Pennsylvania is home to some of the nation’s most unscrupulous charter operators, some of whom are under criminal investigation or on trial for fraud and misappropriation of public funds. But say this for some of the sleaziest: they give generously to political campaigns. That is why the Legislature is considering SB 1085, which would allow new charters to open without local approval.

If you want to protect public schools in Pennsylvania from reckless privatization, if you want to maintain local control, take action now to oppose SB 1085.

Here is advice from the pro-public education Keystone State Education Coalition:


Charter School Reform bill is on the PA Senate calendar for December 3rd.

Call your state senator; urge them to vote no on SB1085 which would remove local control over tax dollars.

Use this link to find contact information for your state senator:

1. If you are concerned about SB1085 giving unelected charter operators the power to spend tax dollars without any local oversight or control, please call your state senator’s office and let them know ASAP.

Urge them to maintain local control over tax dollars by locally elected, locally accountable school boards; urge them to vote no on SB1085.

SB1085 would allow colleges and universities to authorize new charter schools without local approval.
SB1085 would eliminate enrollment caps on charter schools. This will allow for the unfettered expansion of charter schools in PA.
SB1085 would increase the initial term of a charter from 3 years to 5 years, and allow a charter school to be granted a 10 year renewal
SB1085 would allow two or more charters to consolidate and transfer oversight to the PA Department of Education; local taxpayers would still pay the tuition
SB1085 would remove the provision that requires charter applications to be evaluated based on the extent to which the school may serve as a model for other public schools.
2. Please forward this alert to any interested public education stakeholders.

3. If you have a few minutes more to spare, please consider calling any or all of these Senate officers:

Majority Leader Senator Dominic Pileggi
(717) 787-4712 FAX: (717) 783-7490

Majority Whip Senator Patrick Browne
(717) 787-1349 FAX: (717) 772-3458

Majority Caucus Chair Senator Michael Waugh
(717) 787-3817 FAX: (717) 783-1900

Majority Caucus Secretary Senator Robert Robbins
(717) 787-1322 FAX: (717) 772-0577

Majority Appropriations Chair Senator Jake Corman
(717) 787-1377 FAX: (717) 772-3146

Majority Caucus Administrator Senator John Gordner
(717) 787-8928 FAX: (717) 787-9715

Majority Policy Committee Chair Senator Edwin Erickson
(717) 787-1350 FAX: (717) 787-0196

You can also use this Education Voters PA link to send an email to your state senator opposing SB1085: