Remember when teachers wrote the tests for their students to determine way they knew and what they needed to study again? Remember when testing was feedback intended to inform instruction?

It’s all over!

Jersey Jazzman explains the crazy way that Néw York state decided to grade the tests.

Only a mad psychometricians would come up with a process so convoluted. It’s a triple Lindy. Maybe a quadruple Libdy. It’s dazzling. It’s complex. It is totally insane.

And this mad process will determine whether teachers have a job or get fired, whether a school is closed.

Hats off to John King, our state commissioner, who sacrificed the lives of children and teachers to perfect this nutty scheme.

It may be punitive. It may be costly. It may be wrong.

But it is what John King wants. And whateverJohn King wants, the Regents say yes yes yes. After all, he taught in a charter school for three years.