Sorry for the typo in the headline. I have been writing and editing all day and my eyes are weary.

Contact: Anna Bakalis, 213-305-9654
Kim Turner, 213-305-9316

UTLA announces January 14 strike date

While we believe we would eventually win in court against all of Austin Beutner’s anti-union, high-priced attempts to stop our legal right to strike, in order for clarity and to allow members, parents, and our communities to plan, UTLA is moving the strike date to Monday, January 14.

“Unlike Beutner and his administration, we do not want to bring confusion and chaos into an already fluid situation,” said UTLA President Alex Caputo-Pearl. “Although we believe we would ultimately prevail in court, for our members, our students, parents, and the community, absent an agreement we will plan to strike on Monday.”

As the UTLA bargaining team is back at the table to try to reach an agreement today, our lawyers are fighting Beutner’s desperate legal maneuvers in court. We need to be the ones to offer clarity, since the district has sent out confusing, contradicting messages to members and parents in the last few months.

We know there are tough decisions ahead for the more than 600,000 students and their families impacted by a strike. While every family will make their own decision on whether to send their child to school in the event of a strike, having many parents and allies on picket lines will be powerful and transformative.

UTLA will hold a Facebook live press briefing with Alex Caputo-Pearl, after negotiations, around 5 p.m.