This is one of the silliest, most embarrassing articles I have read in a very long time. It was allegedly written by two teachers as a rebuke to Carol Burris, the experienced high school principal who has made a hash of Common Core in her many writings for Valerie Strauss’s Answer Sheet in the Washington Post.

The teacher who says she teaches kindergarten wants to make sure that her 5-year-old students are “college-and-career-ready.” Really? So if a 5-year-old can’t count to 100, they won’t have a career or go to college? Surely, she jests.

Has she ever heard of “Defending the Early Years,” an organization of early childhood experts who believe the Common Core standards are indeed developmentally inappropriate. In this article, Professor Nancy Carlsson-Paige says that it is “ridiculous” to expect little children to count to 100. So what if they learn to do it next year or the year after?

What is super embarrassing about the article is that both teachers are identified as “part of Student Achievement Partners.” No mention of the fact that Student Achievement Partners is funded by the Gates Foundation or that Student Achievement Partners was founded by David Coleman, architect of the Common Core standards. Or that SAP played the leading role in writing the standards.

Come on, guys, how about a full disclosure?