Heather Vogell, a stellar reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, has done in-depth investigative reporting on the standardized tests that now are used to determine the fate of students, teachers, principals, and schools.

She has found a surprising number of errors, though not surprising to those familiar with the testing industry.

Read this article. How should a student respond to questions where all the answers are wrong?

What does it do to students when they realize the questions or answers are wrong?

Here is an idea for this tireless reporter: investigate how much money the testing industry spends to lobby Congress and the states to maintain their hold over the minds of our students and the very definition of education.

Readers, after you read Heather Vogell’s excellent articles, please read Todd Farley’s eye-popping exposé of the testing industry called “Making the Grades.”

You will never forget his description of how student constructed responses are scored and who is doing it (minimum wage temps).