This is a hilarious description of a conference call in which Ben Austin of Parent Revolution joined with Congressman George Miller of California to discuss the value of parents seizing control of their schools.

Rita Solnet, the Florida parent activist who joined the conference call, quickly learned that parents were not allowed to ask questions, only journalists.

She heard Ben Austin claim that his organization, funded by the Gates Foundation, the Walton Foundation, and the Broad Foundation, is not only “grassroots,” but that it was vastly outspent by its opponents. Austin said they (the Parent Associations of Florida) have $8 billion (!) to spend, but he didn’t say where that $8 billion came from.

She heard him say that the Florida parent groups had more lobbyists than his allies in the charter industry. She counted 122 paid lobbyists working for the charter industry.

She heard George Miller decry the terrible status quo, but recalled that he has been writing the nation’s education policy for years. George Miller IS the status quo. In fact, George Miller was one of the architects of No Child Left Behind, and still defends it. Miller is a hero to Democrats for Education Reform (DFER), the Wall Street hedge fund managers’ organization. DFER raises money for politicians who agree to support charters, and DFER has raised large sums for Miller.

This is a conversation you should read about.