Florida pioneered the use of school grades. New York City followed. Now other states and districts are jumping aboard.

The latest to adopt school grades is Oklahoma. The superintendents there don’t understand what is gained by this action. For some reason, the people who put grades on schools think of this as “reform,” but it is not.

It is a label based mostly on test scores. What we have learned in New York City over the past decade is that the school grades are meaningless. Schools bounce from A to F, or from F to C to B to D. This happens even though nothing has changed.

In this society, we are obsessed with data even when the data are based on flimsy measures. Standardized tests are a good way to measure what percent of your students live in poverty and what percent are affluent. The former school will be labeled “failing,” and the latter will be a success.

How is this “reform”?