Thom Hartmann says the Supreme Court is wimping out in the Colorado case. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was written to protect us from fascist thugs. And Florida is passing legislation to teach kindergartners about the dangers of Communism. I’m all in favor of teaching about the dangers of both Communism and fascism (Florida left out that danger). Both Stalin and Hitler were deadly enemies of freedom and democracy. But leave the kindergartners alone. Let them play.

He wrote:

The Supreme Court has wimped out on Trump. The 14th Amendment was passed to prevent the very scenario we’re now facing: a fascist insurrectionist seeking political office to end American democracy and replace it with a strongman authoritarian like the men who ran the Confederacy. One of the most absurd moments was when Kagan and Roberts both suggested that “one state shouldn’t determine the outcome of a presidential election,” as if they’d never, ever even heard of Bush v Gorewhen Jeb Bush and Kathrine Harris threw out over 30,000 “spoiled” ballots where people in Black communities with defective voting machines both punched the “Al Gore” hole and wrote “Al Gore” on the ballot. Florida, and Florida alone, determined the outcome of the 2000 election. One state. Bottom line: this is now up to us. Nobody is coming to the rescue of American democracy. We must turn out the vote this fall in overwhelming numbers…

— Trump steals classified documents, the ones about US spies in Russia are missing (and our spies are dying), and Biden wrote a letter to Obama when he was VP that he kept, and now the media and this idiot special counsel and lifelong Republican hack Robert Hur are doing their best to conflate the two. That pretty much sums it up. Like the Dean Scream and Comey’s press conference to complain about Hillary’s emails, it looks like our mainstream press and the GOP are working together to get a Republican back into the White House. Again, we have to turn out this fall in overwhelming numbers…

— Pink triangles come to Kansas? Republicans in the Kansas legislature are pushing a new law that would require trans people to be identified as such on their birth certificates. Never forget that the first group Hitler went after — literally weeks after he took power — were trans people. When fascists want a minority group to beat up on for political gain, this is the smallest minority out there, smaller than any racial or religious group, and thus the most defenseless. These Republicans in Kansas are bullies and thugs.

— Smartmatic is suing OAN, and they busted the CEO! Voting machine manufacturer Smartmatic is in the discovery phase of their multiple lawsuits against rightwing hate outlets for defamation, and, boy howdy, they have pulled in a big fish. It appears from press reports that the CEO of One America News, the rightwing TV channel, allegedly obtained hacked passwords to Smartmatic machines and passed them along to pillow guy Mike Lindell and Trump loony lawyer Sidney Powell. Get out the popcorn: this is going to get interesting (and expensive!)…

Crazy Alert! Republicans want Florida schools to teach kindergartners all about the “threat of communism.” Soon, five year olds in Florida may be watching newsreels of mass murders in Stalinist Russia and learning how Social Security and Medicare are “socialism.” These are the same idiots who keep railing against “liberal elites indoctrinating our kids.” Right…