I love reading The Bulwark, a site founded by Republicans who can’t bear Trump and his demagoguery. Conservative commentator Charlie Sykes posts there along with other never-Trumpers. He wrote this article, “Biden is Old But Trump is Crazy (and Dangerous).”

Many readers on this blog wish that Biden would take a victory lap, then step aside for a new generation. Undoubtedly there are Republicans who feel the same way about Trump.

But if there is to be a rematch of 2020, Sykes gives us much to think about.

He writes:

In the last few days, the leading GOP candidate for president — the twice impeached, defeated former president, who is facing four criminal indictments — suggested the execution of General Mark Milley; demanded a federal shutdown unless the prosecutions against him are defunded; called on all Senate Democrats to resign; and threatened to use the powers of the federal government to retaliate against news outlets like NBC that had criticized him.

This is the same former president who has called for terminating provisions of the Constitution; orchestrated a coup to overturn the last presidential election; and absconded with military secrets. Lest you have forgotten, he has also been found liable for rape; and faces more than 90 felony counts for (among other things) paying off a porn star, conspiracy, obstruction, and defrauding the federal government.

Since Sykes summarized Trump’s recent antics, a judge in New York concluded that the Trump Organization committed fraud by repeatedly overstating its assets.

The problem is not Trump, but the millions of Americans who don’t care about Trump’s behavior or his danger to the future of our democracy.