John Kass of the Chicago Tribune says that Rahm is in deep trouble with no sign of a life saver. And Kass says he predicted that this would happen if the Laquan McDonald video was suppressed, as it was, until after the election.


Kass writes:


A month ago I wrote a column telling you about a police dash-cam recording that could tear Chicago apart.


It was that recording of a white cop killing a black teenager, the cop pumping 16 bullets into the kid with the knife in his hand who was trying to walk away, the officer firing most of the shots with the young man already on the ground.
The video that might rip Chicago apart — and why you need to see it
It was kept from public view for months and months, kept hidden until Mayor Rahm Emanuel won re-election with black voter support. But it couldn’t be suppressed forever.


Since the video was released, protesters have taken to the streets, demanding “Rahm Resign” and the mayor became publicly weepy, telling us once again that he wanted to be a Rahm reborn, a better version of himself.


Who knows? Maybe he was hoping to put on that warm and fuzzy campaign sweater — the one he wore when he cut those re-election commercials to announce he’d be a kinder, more reasonable, and less imperious Rahm.


But you can’t play the sweater game twice. And the city can’t forget what he’s done.


So a month later, where is Chicago?


The mayor limps along, weakened, his public approval ratings underwater. New polls say what I’ve told you for weeks: That if the Laquan McDonald video had been made public before Election Day, Rahm would not be mayor today.
If police shooting video had been released sooner, would Emanuel be mayor?

That makes people feel as if he’s cheated them. So resentment builds against the mayor most of Chicago never really liked, but feared. And now that he’s been humbled, he’s ripe.


According to Kass, conventional wisdom says Rahm won’t resign. But he predicts that the months and perhaps the rest of his second term will be torture. As they said about Watergate, the coverup is what gets you.