Susan J. Demas, publisher and editor of Inside Michigan Politics, writes that the exposé of charter school scandals by the Detroit Free Press should cause Governor Snyder and his allies to admit they were wrong about schools run without supervision by entrepreneurs.

She writes:

“Education should be about children, not adults.

“For the past three years, Republicans wielded this powerful soundbite as a weapon while they reshaped public education in Michigan to fit their free-market ideology.

“If you cared about kids, you backed their plan to help open dozens more online and charter schools run by good-hearted private businesses.

“If you didn’t, you were determined to damn students to failing public schools so you could deviously enrich fat-cat union teachers.

“The fact that outright falsehoods and gross oversimplifications passed for high-minded debate in the Legislature should make us all weep.”

Michelle Rhee helped. To write the law and spent $1 million to help it get passed. Now charlatans and grifters are using their charter schools as their personal piggy banks and cashing in on kids. Taxpayers are defrauded. Scams, self-dealing, and fraud are commonplace.

Demas calls on the governor and the legislature to correct their mistakes. That will take courage. Sadly, in many states where school money is handed out to greedy and unscrupulous entrepreneurs, they give generously to key politicians to protect their domain. Yes, it will take courage to protect the children from those who are using them as profit centers.