This post by Mercedes Schneider is a lovely illustrated tribute to her father, who was a veteran of World War II.

I must say, as I grow older, I grow more cynical about war. Since Vietnam, people have been referring to World War II as “the good war.” And there is no doubt that Hitler and his racist ideology had to be stopped.

Yet, I was struck the other day by a friend’s observation that World War II was the only war we ever “won.” We had to. World War I now looks like a family quarrel among the royals, with millions of young men playing out their game, leaving in its wake the bitterness and destruction that led to World War II. Korea ended with no sense of victory. Vietnam ended with a sense of despair and futility. In Iraq and Afghanistan—the people we think we are defending–often wearing the uniform of our ally– shoot our boys and girls in the back or the face.

I am grateful to those who made the ultimate sacrifice, I honor those who served when called to duty. But I am sick of war.