A comment from a reader in response to Arne Duncan’s statement that white suburban moms are angry because the Common Core tests just showed them that their child is not so brilliant and their school is not so good:

“This angry, white, suburban mom IS angry–but it’s not because I was delusional that my children are “brilliant” or that our suburban public schools aren’t that good. We have funding issues, to be sure, but that has NOTHING to do with the amazing teachers, staff and kids. This angry mom gets the national and state agenda to try to get us to run away–FAST–from our traditional well-loved schools. And it’s not going to work if we keep pointing out their warped and sneaky agenda!
Nice part about insulting white, suburban moms is that we get ANGRY! And we love to gossip! And we love social media! So bring it on, Arne. You have just angered some pretty protective she-bears…”