Crazy Crawfish explains why the Louisiana legislature decided not to repeal its “Science Education Act,” which permits the teaching of New Earth Creationism in public school science classes. It seems that a member of the legislature was healed by a witch doctor so he blocked efforts to repeal the law.

As Crazy Crawfish points out, it’s not all bad:

“Well, on the plus side, at least now Louisiana can start teaching kids how to be certified witch doctors early on in their public school careers. Since none of ouy kids will understand real biology that might be the best we can get for a while. Now all I need to do is corner the “magic bones” market and I bet I could make a killing selling those as school supplies at Walmart next Fall. . .”

Crazy Crawfish reblogged the story from another great Louisiana blogger called CenLamar. I swear these brilliant Louisiana bloggers will bring bring down the Jindal era of meanness and foolishness. They are so doggone good at exposing the official scams, hoaxes, and deceptions, and doing it Louisiana-style. The phonies don’t have a chance.