A mother writes this story of harassment by school officials:

“My daughter, who is in the 11th grade, was victimized by her principal and teacher today because she submitted an opt out letter. She was made to feel wrong and unsupportive of her school because she wasn’t going to take the test.

“She is currently her class president, a link-crew mentor to younger students, tour leader, sports team member and future ASB president… that makes her the face of the school… or so says her teacher and principal. She has certain responsibilities to live up to, one of which is to take the test. Because, well, as they told her, the API score affects home prices.

“They even went as far as to say that what was doing was thinking only of herself… not of the greater community at large. They wanted to know if she was going to grow up and not vote because, well… because she doesn’t want to – even if it affects the city, the county, the state, the nation… and yes, the world. They said that – to a 17 year old. An impressionable young lady who has logged 53 volunteer ASB hours for March, and 30+ for each of Jan and February. And that is just 2013… she’s been arriving to school an hour early every day of high school. This is where she wants to be, this is what is important to her… to support her school.”