EduShyster writes a personal letter to Teach for America.

Please, she says, we know you are excellent.

We know you are beyond excellent.

We know that there is no one more excellent than you. Please, we get it. Enough.

But consider what all this self-praise does:

“Every time you toot the horn of triumph, alerting us to the good news that your new teachers are better than our new teachers, even though the evidence is indisputable that all new teachers struggle, or that your handful of alumni teachers are better than our experienced teachers, you hammer the nail in a little deeper. You fan the illusion that temporary teachers who jet in from elsewhere are just as good, are in fact more excellent, than real teachers who are in it for the long haul.”

And one more thing:

“The idea that we could replace our entire teaching force with TFA-style excellence is a fantasy, of course. There are more than 3 million teachers in the country and fewer than 6,000 new TFA corps members each year. And yet the steady drum beat, the constant horn tooting, hat raising and praise singing, creates the illusion that such a thing is not just possible but a worthy goal.

“So please stop, Teach for America. I get it. We get it. The question is do you get it?”