I have decided to vote to re-elect President Barack Obama.

As readers of this blog are well aware, I strongly oppose what he is doing to our nation’s education system. I dislike Race to the Top, which in many respects is far worse than the failed No Child Left Behind. I know how the Obama administration has outsourced its education policies to the Gates Foundation, the Broad Foundation, and the Wall Street hedge fund managers (the alleged Democrats for Education Reform).

But Romney’s education agenda is even worse. Obama pretends that he is not a privatizer. Romney makes no pretense. And on every other issue that matters to the future of our society, Romney would far worse. He is the face of the far-right in the Republican party, and I can’t imagine an America that yearns to return to the 1920s. The savage inequalities (to borrow Jonathan Kozol’s term) are far too great in this country already. We need a President who seeks to change them, not exacerbate them.

Today, I made my declsion known in an opinion piece at CNN.com.

This is a dangerous moment for our nation. Each of us must make the wisest choice we can for the future. I have made mine. You make yours.