A reader comments:

I believe an excellent education can make a difference to children living in poverty, but it is insufficient. As one writer said in response to a previous posting on this blog, to say that good teachers can “solve” poverty trivializes the hardships that poor children endure. It’s like saying something like this to a child living in poverty: You have an excellent teacher so it doesn’t matter that you are hungry. It doesn’t matter that you live in a shelter or a run-down apartment. The fact that there are gangs in your neighborhood doesn’t matter either. Ignore the fact that you sometimes hear shots fired or witness violence. If you get sick, don’t worry about not seeing a doctor. You’ll probably feel better eventually. It also doesn’t matter that your teeth hurt, and you have never visited a dentist. I know you are tired from caring for your younger siblings, and you can’t ask mom for help with your homework till she gets home from the late shift. None of that matters. You have an excellent teacher at school! Isn’t that enough?